The Welcome Army.

Ah, the best laid plans o' mice and men.

Something new (if a little belated) for our colleagues and affiliates over at Welcome.

Merry Christmas, one and all.

Spike on Fire

So hot right now. But pretty damned good also.



"There Are Doubts In Your Ability."

Stone-cold-solid-gold classic. Shot on film, too.

More VFX

Ooh... super jazzy.


Ooh... jazzy.

Back In The Saddle Again

After a dearth of posts, Mr Brown demonstrates how to overcome the past one spring morn.


Here Comes The Sun from herald.cinema on Vimeo.

Tea Is Drunk To Forget The Din Of The World

Mr Silvester clearly has ample time on his hands up north; certainly enough time to send us the following short film.

Please see Mr Orwell's advice for the appropriate operational procedure.

Message ends.

It Takes Tea from herald.cinema on Vimeo.